Definitely not an exhaustive list. Hope yours was just as lovely.
29 December 2010
Photo of the Week: Christmas Cheer
Definitely not an exhaustive list. Hope yours was just as lovely.
28 December 2010
Conviction: The Unfortunate Truth
27 December 2010
Conviction: 2000
The facts in this are so shocking, but so important.
(Having some issues with formatting -- if you are seeing problems in IE, try another browser!)
26 December 2010
Conviction: Between a Rock and...
One of the things that I struggle with in regards to service and giving is the discrepancy between what I have and need in material things compared to what others have and need in them.
In general, I have more than I need, and many people in the world don't even have the things they need to live, let alone live comfortably. I have all the food I could want to eat, clean running water, indoor plumbing, heating and air conditioning, a car, money for gas, nice clothes, a laptop, beautiful jewelry, a room of my own, a phone and so many other things. In other parts of the world and right here in my city, there are plenty of people who don't have two cents to rub together, let alone all of the luxuries I live with.
Hence the struggle for me. How do I justify the excess that I live in when I know so many people in the world are hurting and hungry? And it's complicated by the way I feel about ranking and comparing: these people aren't better or worse than me, nor do I deserve more than they do, but it is still important that I help, isn't it?
Though it is still a day-to-day issue for me, here's my thoughts on the issue now.
First, God has given us many blessings, and he wants us to appreciate and enjoy them.
"There, in the presence of the Lord your God, you and your families will eat and enjoy everything you’ve worked for, because the Lord your God has blessed you." Deuteronomy 12:7
However, as we've been discussing, it's important to love and help others:
"The second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’" Matthew 22:39
So what it comes down to is balance. If I know there is something that I don't need or use, shouldn't I give it to someone who does need it? It doesn't mean I need to sell everything I have and give it all to the poor, but I shouldn't live in a mansion either.
What are your thoughts on this? I'm still so frustrated by the two! Leave a comment with your ideas or advice!
25 December 2010
Conviction: A Gift
Today, we celebrate the greatest gift ever given.
I hope it inspires you to give in the same selfless way.
24 December 2010
Conviction: Nourish
Hunger is something that affects every single nation, race and culture, so the ways that you can help alleviate hunger are widely varied and unique. You have a lot of options in how you would like to help!
If you want to help the person next door, look up a local food bank or shelter:
Feeding America
Food Pantries
Homeless Shelters
Rescue Missions
If you want to sponsor a child:
Sponsor with World Vision (like me)
Sponsor with Compassion (like my parents)
or just give money where it is needed most. (Or these cute goats!)
Feeling a little stressed by all my suggestions? It's okay. It's a lot to take in at once.
For now, one request: join me at Free Rice, and let's make a team with a purpose.
Join up and get ricing! :) I don't think that's an actual verb, but whatever. It's Christmas Eve, after all.
Have fun!
23 December 2010
Conviction: My Girl
In the arena where the conference was held, World Vision was one of the biggest sponsors, and as well as having many booths situated about the arena, they had placed a child's information on each chair. After getting seated, I picked mine up, and slid out the little slip of paper that told me about this child. Serah, the card said was her name, and her picture was small but colorful.
As cheesy as it might sound, I started loving that little girl at that moment. Here was a flimsy piece of paper that only told me her birthday and gave me the tiniest glimpse into her life, but my goodness, did I love her. My mom looked at her child's packet, and a few others in nearby empty seats and asked me if I wanted a different one, but the answer was definitely negative. Little Serah who was not quite three years old was the one I wanted.
Though many things have influence my journey towards living a life full of service, very few have influenced me as strongly as the knowledge that I can change my girl's life, millions of miles away in South Africa -- the knowledge that I need to change her life.
So now I am. I send $35 every month, on the 25th of each month, and that money will help to feed her, give her clean water, pay for school clothes, and supplies and medications and anything else that she needs to grow into a strong, beautiful and healthy woman. And I know that it won't end there. When she is equipped to become everything that God made her to be, she can do the same for others.
I love my girl, and the change that she means for me and the world.
Do you sponsor a child?
22 December 2010
Conviction: Misplaced
Like the issues thus far, money (and what is done with it) has a lot to do with ending hunger. In past years, the cost of food has risen at an alarming rate, and for people in underdeveloped countries who may not receive more than a few dollars a day, a sharp increase in the price of food staples (like rice or other grains) can be a big issue.
Though a lot of the factors in the "food crisis", as several sources term it, can be helped by outside involvement, plenty are rather irreversible. Rising fuel prices make it more expensive to transport food items to where they are bought and consumed, and that price is reflected in the amount paid by the consumer. In many African nations, military conflict and raids have displaced entire populations, and when unable to rely on their tradition food sources, the groups cause strain to be put on other healthy systems.
It's important to look at this more clearly though. "Sure, sure, food is more expensive. It's more expensive to buy strawberries in January, but whatever!" One might argue that point, and yes. That's true. But the increase we are looking at here is unbelievable.
World Vision cites these numbers from the Food and Agriculture Association:
The cost of maize has increased by 80%.
The cost of wheat has increased by 70%.
The cost of rice has increased by 25%.
That is huge. And like I mentioned before, these are staples -- the things that make life livable. So where is the money? The money that could be spent to help alleviate the poverty that prevents so many people from getting a meal at least once a day?
Lets do a little experiment here:
There are 6,892,727,905 people in the world right now,
and 1,030,493,710 of them are undernourished.
There has been 5,134,630,478 tons of food produced this year,
and 130,620 tons wasted today in the USA alone.
Americans have spent $117,276,615 on food today, only to throw it away,
and it would only cost $35,474,859 to feed the hungry.
Honestly, it kind of makes me sick.
So what are you going to do to change those numbers?
21 December 2010
Conviction: Starved
Hunger is simple as far as our definitions are concerned. However, in deference to our previous definitions, here it is:
hun·ger /ˈhʌŋgÉ™r/ [huhng-ger]
1. a compelling need or desire for food.
2. the painful sensation or state of weakness caused by the need of food: to collapse from hunger. 3. a shortage of food; famine.
A need or desire, a sensation, a shortage -- hunger is a very bodily thing. You feel hunger, you have hunger, you are hungry. Unlike our previous definitions, I think that in the case of hunger, all of the definitions are necessary and important to our learning.
For you and I, we will most certainly feel hungry in our lifetimes. Actually, probably this morning, after you rolled out of bed and finished checking your email (I know you did it!) you thought: "Gee. I could really go for a bowl of cereal." So you wandered out to your kitchen and fixed a bowl.
It's not out of the ordinary to feel hunger, that's the first definition: a need or desire that compels you to find some chow.
The second and third definitions? Well, it's a little less likely that you or I will experience these. This is a sense of hunger, an aching in your stomach that isn't caused by a few hours without a meal, but by a few days. And a single meal won't fix it, either, though it's a step in the right direction. Perhaps its not that you didn't get a meal, you just didn't get enough of a meal for weeks on end.
I don't know about you, but I can't imagine experiencing it myself. And it saddens me that other people have to experience that.
I'm not going to tell you to stop saying anything in respect to people who suffer from hunger. I don't care if you say "I'm starving!" or "I'm so hungry I could die!" because when you say you are starving, that may well be the hungriest you have ever been. Instead, keep your eyes peeled and look for a way to help. Those will be here at the end of the week!
Until next time, how have you noticed the way food is used and misused? Leftovers, food thrown away, extra food sent to food banks? Tell me about it!
20 December 2010
Conviction: Hunger
As you might imagine, hunger is one of the most widely spread problems. It affects people down the street, people in the middle of nowhere, people next to the White House. People in Europe, people in Australia, people in Mexico and in China. There isn't anywhere that hunger isn't a draw on the resources of a society.
More than 11,000 people have died from starvation today. That means that a child dies from starvation every 7 seconds.
There are more than 1 billion people in the world suffering from hunger.
Approximately 1 in 4 children don't get the nutrition they need.
Along with that information, World Vision also cites this:
Even if a child is just moderately underweight, she is four times more likely to die from an infectious disease compared to a well-nourished child.
Worldwide, approximately 145 million children are underweight and at risk of dying — simply because they don’t get enough nutritious food.
It's not a good outlook, by any measurement. And like the other topics we've covered so far, there isn't any easy solution by which every hungry person will suddenly be fed and happy and healthy. The reason for that lies in the reasons that there are so many hungry people in the world, and those are coming up tomorrow!
15 December 2010
Conviction: Pay the Debt
Here are just ten things you can do to help the poor: (I pared it down some, Google returns 38,100,000 results...)
1. Give some coins to a Salvation Army bell ringer.
2. Be a Salvation Army Bell Ringer.
3. Donate to a food bank.
4. Volunteer at a food bank.
5. Donate old clothes/shoes/appliances/whatever!
6. Buy a needy family's groceries
7. Volunteer at a homeless shelter
8. Do a mission trip
9. Provide free childcare
10. Collect school supplies
I know it's not much, but anyone of these things will most definitely make a change. We just need to remember that these people are our neighbors, friends, and family. I'm hoping to do at least one of these things over the winter break, and I challenge you to do the same!
14 December 2010
Conviction: Support
Just to refresh your memory:
pov·er·ty /ˈpÉ’vÉ™rti/ [pov-er-tee]
1. the state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support; condition of being poor; indigence.
While all of that is important, the part that is most important today is the end of that first clause: no means of support.
While money is important (unfortunately because I hate it, but don't get me started) a lack of money is not the sole cause of poverty. It's important to realize that in too many cases, families are in poverty because no one will help them. Sure, there are organizations and groups and government programs that are helping the poor.
But if everyone, everyone helped? The results would eliminate poverty. Completely eliminate poverty. You might think that I'm overstating this, but think about it. If everyone in this world took care of just one other person who needed it, we would most certainly be in a better place.
Here's a verse often referenced towards the poor, found in James:
James 1:27 --
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
But there are plenty of other verses that strike a similar note, including this string:
Deuteronomy 24:19-21 --
This is what you must do when you’re harvesting wheat in your field. If you forget to bring in one of the bundles of wheat, don’t go back to get it. Leave it there for foreigners, orphans, and widows. Then the Lord your God will bless you in everything you do. When you harvest olives from your trees, never knock down all of them. Leave some for foreigners, orphans, and widows. When you pick the grapes in your vineyard, don’t pick all of them. Leave some for foreigners, orphans, and widows.
So just help. We know that everything we earn here is useless after we die, so why not make other's lives just a little easier?
Pretty straightforward, eh? Stay tuned for tomorrow's post!
13 December 2010
"It's Awful!"
First, I apologize to all of my friends, because I can't stop using "awful" as an adjective. Sorry. Really.
Secondly: FINALS WEEK.
Is it finals week at your school? Because it is at mine, and I'm a leeeeetle bit nervous. Usually, I don't really care, because I have two papers to write and then I head home for a month. This semester, I have two in-class tests, one online test, and two essays (8 and 10 pages). Holy mackerel!
In any case, I just wanted to say good luck, and I hope to be back to regular posting soon. I'm keeping my commitment to post once a day in the conviction series, because I really am convicted, but I miss the I DIY posts! Soon, promise. Christmas break is nearly here!
Let's do this!
Conviction: Your Neighbor
This week, our topic is Poverty, but specifically, poverty in the US. Not suprisingly, there is a lot of information available on poverty and its effects around the country, so for today, I just want to share a little of that with you.
According to the ever-so-handy,
pov·er·ty /ˈpÉ’vÉ™rti/ [pov-er-tee]
1. the state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support; condition of being poor; indigence.
In the United States, poverty is something measured not only by the government but by many other organizations in the country. The Census Bureau has a convenient (although complex!) system for determining whether a family falls above or below the poverty line, which you can read about more at the Overview/Highlights page. In general, each family is measured as a group, so if you live with your parents and siblings, you are all at the same level. If you live alone, then you are 'a family'. In any case, the method boils down to the "thresholds" that the government assigns: how many people in a household and how many of them are under 18. Then this compared to the actual income of a family determines whether or not they are below the poverty line. Check this out:
The nation's official poverty rate in 2009 was 14.3 percent, up from 13.2 percent in 2008
"Income / Threshold = $27,000 / $26,245 = 1.03"
In this example, the income is greater than the threshold, and the family would not be in poverty. That solution (1.03) is called the ratio of income to poverty.
"The difference in dollars between family income and the family's poverty threshold is called the Income Deficit (for families in poverty) or Income Surplus (for families above poverty)."
So using this rule, here are some statistics:
According to the Census Bureau, the nation's official poverty rate in 2009 was 14.3 percent, up from 13.2 percent in 2008.
Again, though numbers are good, lets look a little deeper.
According to the National Center for Children in Poverty;
There are over 74 million children under age 18 in the United States.
42 percent – 31.3 million – live in low-income families.
21 percent – 15.3 million – live in poor families.
I don't know about you, but I don't think that's right.
Until we're back for tomorrow's post, I would highly recommend you take a look at both of my sources for today's post: US Census Bureau and their page on poverty, as well as NCCP and their information.
Do you have any great resources for this kind of info? Fill me in below!
12 December 2010
Conviction: Your Thoughts?
As I've said, I have been influenced by my parents, but I haven't talked too much about what service has meant to me, and the things that it has done in my life. Expect that next weekend!
For now, I want to know about you! So leave a comment:
Tell me about a time that service changed the way you thought or felt,
Tell me about someone in your life who has changed the way you see or think about service,
Tell me about the way you think about love and God's plans for us and the world,
Just leave a comment -- I would really love to read about it!
11 December 2010
Food and Books?!
Thus, I interrupt my regular programming for this:
(via tart house)
These people have put a bookcase in their island and it's full of COOKBOOKS. Sure, the rest of the kitchen is clean -- that's nice, not my thing. But this bookcase! This is so ingenious and pretty I almost can't stand it.
I guess that's it, really. But gosh. I love it!
Conviction: Role Models
10 December 2010
Conviction: Coffee for a Cause
Real Fine Place: Please, tell us just a little about Three Avocados:
3 Avocados: Three Avocados is a non-profit coffee company, using 100% of our profits to provide clean water in Uganda. We were founded in February of 2010, and had our first coffee available for sale in April of 2010. Currently, Three Avocados focuses on Uganda, but the plan is to expand into countries like Kenya, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Hondouras, Guatemala, and virtually any coffee-producing country that has a need for clean water.
RFP: What inspired you to start a company where you give all of your profits away?
3A: I visited Uganda in January of 2010 and saw great need. I was amazed at the number of people living without basic necessities, such as clean water. I saw how much I truly had been blessed with and felt called to do something. I wanted to find a sustainable way to make a difference. Something that didn't rely on donations, and something that could be produced in Uganda. Giving away 100% of the profit seemed natural - I truly have all I need, while others in the world are in great need.
RFP: How has your life changed since Three Avocados was founded?
3A: I am a lot busier :) Three Avocados is something I work on in the evenings and weekends in an effort to grow the organization. I am passionate about Three Avocados and truly believe it has the potential to make a significant impact, in Uganda, in the world, and in the business world, by showing what we can achieve when we place others before ourselves.
I definitely have a new perspective on life since visiting Uganda and starting Three Avocados. I am significantly more thankful and aware of all of the blessings I have been given. I certainly did nothing to deserve to be born with every opportunity placed at my feet, nor did anyone in Uganda do anything to deserve to be born into a life of constant struggle. That blessing also comes with a responsibility to do everything I can to help my brothers and sisters throughout the world. Three Avocados gives me the opportunity to do that, which is an amazingly gratifying feeling.
It's a neato story, but even more exciting -- it's just that easy for you to get involved. Maybe send your favorite uncle a nice bag of Ugandan coffee?
This is the cool thing about service. Once you see that there is so much you can do (you don't need to start your own coffee company! start smaller!) it's hard not to just start doing it.
If you want to know more about Joe's company, visit the Three Avocados' website, or find them on Twitter and Facebook. Muchas Gracias to Joe & the rest of the Three Avocados crew!
Whew! One week down. But that isn't the end -- see you tomorrow for more of our regularly scheduled programming.
09 December 2010
Conviction: Clean Water = Clean Bill of Health
Just a video today, but I know that learning how things actually help and work are very interesting. Makes it a little more real, you know?
Come back tomorrow for an interview with Three Avocados, a non-profit coffee company!
08 December 2010
Conviction: A Fighting Chance
Here, in the US, treatment and prevention of disease is pretty closely tracked by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. You probably remember the CDC as a big player in the recent H1N1 shenanigans, but they also have records on things like HIV and AIDS -- keeping track of cases as well as providing educational information on the disease. However, a less developed country, like many in Africa, may be struggling to keep power, and disease control and prevention can be pushed to the wayside.
The only way to change this is education, learning! In the same way that I had to educate myself on HIV/AIDS, people everywhere need to be informed of just what HIV/AIDS is and how you contract it. By doing this, fewer people will get the disease, and the stigma that comes from ignorance about the disease can be relieved.
Another factor in the health and survival of people with HIV/AIDS is how clean their environment is: if they live in a clean environment, they are less likely to get any other infection or sickness. I know even in my dorm room, we have clean running water, a refridgerator to keep our food at a safe temperature, and oven to cook food and be sure that no harmful germs can get into our stomachs. Unfortunately, a lot of the rest of the world is in a different situation. World Vision lists this statistic:
"Worldwide, 884 million people lack access to safe water, and 2.5 billion lack basic sanitation."
That's rough. And again, I'm not writing this to make you feel guilty about your running water. Please continue showering on a regular basis. (That means you, Russel Brand!)
When you don't have clean water, it affects every facet of your life. You drink dirty water which leads to illnesses and often diarrhea, which will lead to dehydration. When you are too dehydrated to find your next meal, soon enough, without outside help, you have very little time left. Clean water can prevent all of that.
These are the big two, really. If people in less developed countries can be educated on the risks that can lead to HIV, and then we can do our part to provide clean water, the change would be remarkable.
Isn't it wild the things that are so easily changed? Stay tuned for some ideas coming up on how you can help, and who you are helping.
07 December 2010
Photo of the Week: Roast Beast
Conviction: AIDS Here and There
Bringing it down to scale like this is a familiar concept. We think that stealing is bad and people should be punished, but when someone steals our car, we have a much stronger reaction. The same holds true of something like AIDS or Malaria or hunger. We are in agreement that those things are bad, but when your best friend gets HIV, or your mom gets malaria, or it is your daughter who doesn't get to eat tonight, aren't you going to spring into action? I know I am.
To look more accurately at what HIV/AIDS does, I think that we should differentiate between what happens when you contract HIV/AIDS here in the US and what happens if you were to contract it as a citizen of (for example) sub-Saharan Africa. (Please understand that these are generalizations, but that does not mean they don't happen. See World Vision for more information on the situation in other countries.)
Do you see the discrepancy here? HIV will infect anyone -- location is irrelevant. It is after contracting the virus that something goes wrong. Why should a person here live a longer life than someone who is in Malawi or Uganda or Haiti if they have the exact same disease?
I can't think of a good reason either. It's because there is no good reason. It comes down to differences in the environment of these two people.
The American lives in a place where education on sexually transmitted diseases is important and frank. The stigma against those who contract HIV/AIDS is minimal if not nearly non-existent. Treatment is available and the likelihood of infection and illness is very slim thanks to our standards of health for food and drinking water. But the African may not be aware that they can contract HIV/AIDS through unprotected sex, and if they contract the disease, might be too scared to see a doctor. Medication for AIDS is scarce, and the rate of infection and illness high because of dirty water and various pests and parasites.
Now what did you notice about the situation of the African?
Every one of those problems is one that can be resolved.
06 December 2010
Conviction: A Deeper Understanding
Instead, let's look a little closer. The Mayo Clinic has great resources on what HIV/AIDS is all about:
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is a illness in which a persons immune system is weakened and unable to properly defend against sickness and infection -- it causes a lowered white blood cell count which means that your body is not equipped to combat disease. While a healthy immune system will fight and eliminate viruses and bacteria in order to keep you alive and well, the immune system of a person who has AIDS is unable to fend off intruders. HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus is what leads to AIDS, though it can take years for HIV to develop into AIDS. The virus is spread through bodily fluids, meaning that sex, childbirth and coming in contact with infected blood are all possible ways to become infected.
There is no cure for HIV or AIDS. Both are like many of the cancers that we are familiar with -- the symptoms are treatable, but eventually fatal. However, in places like sub-Saharan Africa and Haiti where living conditions are not as we are used to, the disease and its complications kill much faster. These facts from World Vision illustrate the impact:
It's devastating, isn't it?
But let's recap: if we have established that yes, HIV/AIDS can be treated though it is eventually fatal, why are 5400 people dying every day from it, and why are so many of them in sub-Saharan Africa?
05 December 2010
Conviction: Right Under Your Nose
Just kidding. But in case you hadn't noticed, I never updated with what God had told me! Was that because I forgot? No. Because I wanted to keep it a secret? No. It was because he hadn't told me anything.
That was what I didn't realize. To be honest, I was a little put-out. I thought, "God, if you will tell Jordan what you want her to do with her life, what is the difference with me?" It seemed unfair, silly, and I racked my mind for months. What was I not doing right? Did I have some grudge to forgive, some person to reconcile with, some sin I hadn't repented of or confessed?
Then I stopped worrying about it. I don't know how it happened really, since I just let it go, but I did. I wasn't laying awake at night wondering where I would be in five years or whether I needed to change my major or who-knows-what.
Over the past few months, I've been doing a verse-by-verse study of the Proverbs 31 woman. It's my favorite passage in the Bible, but I hadn't ever really studied it. So in the prayer room last night, the memory of my future came back, so I prayed about it, asking for a purpose, a plan. I opened my bible, and after skimming a few verses in Chronicles absentmindedly, I opened to my bookmark. My bookmark that has the picture of my sponsored child.
I had opened to the end of Proverbs, and when I checked which verse I was supposed to study next, it hit me.
"She opens up her hands to oppressed people and stretches them out to needy people."
Proverbs 31:20. I felt it. This -- this verse, right under my nose -- was the one I had been looking for. And where did I find it? In my favorite passage, marked by the little girl who is the needy that I need to stretch my hands out to. I wanted to dance, to jump up and down and sing and squeal. God had showed me what he wanted, and I can't be more excited to do it.
Are you still waiting to hear from God? Don't give up.
04 December 2010
Conviction: Defined
But while writing up some other posts, I realized that I needed to look it up. If I am asking you to be convicted, shouldn't I really understand what conviction is myself? I think so.
The 'connotation' or popular definitition of "conviction" for me boiled down to having a personal sense of commitment to an idea or issue. A feeling of being compelled to do something about an issue or idea. In this case, a sense that I need to love and help the people in this world. It's not a bad connotation, but I don't know what word that 'definition' belongs to.
The definition ('D' is for dictionary!) of the word "conviction" is as follows, borrowed from
con·vic·tion /kÉ™nˈvɪkʃən/ [kuhn-vik-shuhn]
1. a fixed or firm belief.
2. the act of convicting.
3. the state of being convicted.
Not so far off, eh? But what I really like is when you get down to that third definition, where it notes the "state of being convicted" which you can then boil down to "convict" (we like losing the endings in the dictionary, right?) Check out the definition for that one:
con·vict /v., adj. kÉ™nˈvɪkt/ [v., adj. kuhn-vikt]
–verb (used with object)
2. to impress with a sense of guilt.
To impress with a sense of guilt. Is that how you feel about what needs to be done in the world? Because for me -- man, oh man. I have the ability to do some much, to create so much change. And so do you.
Will you be convicted?
03 December 2010
Conviction: Great Expectations
02 December 2010
Conviction: Road Map
Looking back on my own map, I have made a lot of choices that have brought me where I am, and the biggest one was giving up all control of my future to God. Now, this is not to say that I expect to have a career fall into my lap feeding babies in the Congo, but instead that I'm not going to obsess about it (I have a tendency...) and that I'm going to do what he wants, what will glorify him.
In the last year, I applied for leadership in Intervarsity, attended a week-long camp and a pre-semester training conference, a fall semester conference as well as numerous mentoring sessions and leadership meetings. Things that I have discussed in these meetings and experiences -- my relationships, my goals in life, my plans after college, what I think of serving others -- all of them are shaping my future. And everything in the first sentence led to all of that.
One of the biggest changes in myself has been my viewpoint on service. Personally, I love service, and everything that it means. But I didn't know everything that it meant until pretty recently, because I associated service and serving people only with 'community service' and 'service projects'. This isn't bad, because I still loved serving and sharing my time with people in need. But in the past year, my definition of 'people in need' has stretched to include not just the homeless, or people living paycheck to paycheck, or people with HIV/AIDS. Now, my definition includes anyone and everyone on this planet. It wasn't so much that I hated other people before, but now, I want to serve everyone from my roommates to my boss. It's a big deal!
If God loves everyone and wants everyone to love him and live under his blessings, doesn't it make sense that we should love everyone too?
01 December 2010
Conviction: 31 Days to Serve the World
In the United States alone, there are 310,823,879 people.(1)
That's all well and good, right? But here's what gets me:
This year, 4,617,263 have already died from water-related diseases, and since there are 1,452,739,846 people without access to clean water, the deaths will continue.(1)
This year, 1,867,113 people have died from HIV/AIDS, and another 32,885,805 people are infected.(1)
Today, in Africa, 2000 children under the age of 5 years old will die from Malaria. Hundreds upon hundreds of other children are affected by dirty water, lack of food, their parents' deaths and the deaths of their guardians.(2)
And though these statistics are just that -- numbers that tell you that tragedy is widespread -- these statistics are not only numbers. They are actual flesh and blood people. People that you and I should care about.
Here at Real Fine Place, December 2010 is the month of conviction. After having quite a few experiences that have showed me God's love, and how it should be extended to the world, I'm convicted that I have to love people the way Jesus would have -- people here and people a million miles away -- and that extends into telling other people about it. For the 31 days that make up December, each will have a post that I hope will provide you with a little insight, hope or inspiration to love the world the way Jesus does.
Each weekday, I'll post a little bit about one of four issues that I've chosen for the month: HIV/AIDS, Poverty in the US, Hunger, and Malaria. Then, on the weekends, posts will be about why helping others even matters, and what to do about it. Of course, regular posts will be peppered in too, so I hope you can keep up!
Here's to the world!
(The statistics at the top of the post come from 1. Worldometers and 2. World Vision)
25 November 2010
Happy Turkey Day!
Today, and everyday whether I think of it or not, I am thankful for these things:
My parents; who are way cooler and smarter than I am.
My brother; who is a smart kid and has the world open ahead of him.
My boyfriend; who is swell.
My friends; who are crazy, awesome, godly, smart, stunningly beautiful, goofy, honest and otherwise wonderful.
A home, a car, an excessive amount of food, warmth, fun, laughter, extended family, health and a million other things.
I'm very happy and lucky. I hope you are, too.
Happy Thanksgiving!
19 November 2010
The Who's Who
We love to rank, to grade, to sort, to arrange. We have the Billboard Top 100, "Sexiest Man of the Year", Best Cities in America to Raise a Family. There is the World's 10 Wealthiest People and the 25 Poorest Countries. The list, no pun intended, goes on and on.
The idea of ranking things irks me very deeply. It generalizes people and issues and usually it isn't pretty. It carries through to all elements of our lives, and to be honest, I'd love to eliminate it completely.
In Christianity, it springs up and makes for uncomfortable differences and distinctions -- problems are created unnecessarily between people. Too many times I have heard people minimize the struggles of others by comparing and ranking them.
"I had a rough day today, and I haven't eaten dinner yet."
"Well, you should be glad you are getting a meal at all, since hundreds of children die of starvation everyday."
Does this exchange help those starving children? No. Does it help the person who had a rough day and just needs a meal and a friend to talk to? No. It only serves to belittle the all-too-real struggles of someone who is right here, right now. And believe me, I'm not trying to say that our needs here are more important than starving children. There is no "more important" or "less important". There are only needs that must be satisfied -- ranking and valuing them doesn't help anyone. You should help the people you are equipped to help, right where you are.
What are the greatest commandments?
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind."
If we are following this commandment, then the second should become an extension of the first -- if we love God with everything we have, then won't we love the people he loves?
"Love your neighbor as you love yourself." (Find those in Matthew 22:37-40)
Our reaction to suffering or unhappiness in the lives of people around us should not be to put them in their place or even decide whether their struggle is big enough for us to care about. It should be to love them, because that is what God would do.
I'm not saying this will always be easy or fun. It probably won't be. But don't the people around you deserve God's love -- not because they are a starving child, but because they are His child?
So: love. Love the person next to you in class, or on the bus. Love the homeless man on your streetcorner. Love Billy Graham and Britney Spears. Love the poorest of the poor and the wealthy entrepreneurs. Just live it out, and don't bother deciding whose best or worst.
16 November 2010
It's What's for Dinner.
Am I the only one missing the meat around here? I know since I'm the author of this here blog, I'm the only one responsible, but I thought I would bring it up.
I'm feeling a little under-nourished, that my posts have been a little shallow.
But you know? It happens. October was a busy month for me, and I had a lot of Halloween posts set up for publishing, so I didn't do as many spontaneous postings, which are usually my favorites. (Are they yours? Or do you find my ramblings less interesting?)
So with that understanding, I'm hoping to get back a little more to what RFP is all about: growth.
I hope to return soon with some interesting posts, and I hope you are here to read! Please let me know if there is anything you want to know about or see my opinions on (though I admit I am an expert on almost nothing. But I love conversation!)
Leave a comment and feel free to heckle!
09 November 2010
Dorm Decor: All The Leaves Are...
Having some real fall leaves for inspiration, I went to work with my X-acto and cut out some leaf sillhouettes. I had intentions to use to the cut outs first of all, but I liked the shapes left behind enough that I decided to use them instead. Thus:
Voila! Sweet leaf cutouts, each with a simply penned initial for each of us (mine of course is Stephanie, also, Amy and Jordan -- they're great) and taped on up.
Pretty cute, I think. And they only took about 30 minutes, start to finish. Not to mention they are easy to change prior to cutting, I made a lot of sketches on the back before I cut, but you can't see the back so no one has to know! Well... other than all of you.
Share a fun paper project with me! I love crafty cutting.
07 November 2010
Halloween 2010: Presto Change-o
Anyway, in my desire to avoid ruining the surprise of my original costume, and since I'm attending two parties, my roommates and I have come up with another fun but not too complicated idea.
Thus, the muses were born. (Actually, I'm pretty sure there is some myth that relates to their birth, but I don't remember nor do I feel like wikipedia-ing at the moment. Check yourself, eh? Report back.) If you loved the classic Disney films, then Hercules probably was a favorite of yours, and those lovely, toga-clad Muses narrate his story. They are sassy and harmonious, and we knew that was our costume!
So here we are, in all our narrative glory!
Here is the breakdown to do it yourself -- we kept it cheap!
- Full or queen-size flat sheet (mine came from Saver's!)
- Metallic belt or ribbon (Dollar bin at Michael's!)
- Metallic hair accessory (99 cent christmas decor, sewn onto a headband!)
Depending on the weather where you are, you can vary what you wear beneath your toga. We wore leggings and tank tops since it was rather chilly! I wore it again on Halloween night with jeans under it, so it's flexible in that way. But please, do wear something under it.
- Wrap your toga (I'll post my methods of wrapping another time, but there are plenty of videos to instruct you on the internet) and secure with safety pins.
- Tie your ribbon or fasten your belt in place.
- Place your hair accessories, and in our case, spray with gold glitter hairspray. It gets everywhere!
How do you like them? Have any easy but cute costumes you wouldn't mind sharing? Comment and fill us in!
06 November 2010
Homebody: Trinkets
Bonus shelf! This is the top of my desk, which is still a bit cluttered, but I can't live without that carved wooden colt and the white horse bottle. Great stuff.
So, what do you think of my progress so far? I know, there isn't a photo of the whole wall, which is embarrassing, but hopefully I can put that up after I get something in those bud vases. Give me some comments on progress or ideas!
27 October 2010
I DIY: Tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu
It's not my best photographic work -- can you believe my roommates weren't interested in modeling?
Good news? My cousin loved it. Her sweet daughter? Halloween isn't here yet!
Any fun projects? How about any sweet babies you are crafting for? I can't help it.
26 October 2010
Halloween 2010: Wrapped Wreath
Today I wanted to share with you a cute idea for your front door this spooky season. I've seen hundreds of ideas for wreaths for every season and for no season at all, so unfortunately I can't give credit to any one source. However, I'll link to a few similar ideas at the bottom, just in case you want some other options!
Spooky Ribbon Wreath!
First your materials:
1 straw wreath (mine came from michael's)
20 yards of 1 1/2 inch ribbon (i used satin in two colors!)
+ another 5 yards ribbon (i used sheer black)
patience (you might run out...)
Step 1: Attach your ribbon to the wreath.
Step 2: Wrap the ribbon around your wreath slowly, securing with glue if you think it's necessary. (If you are using two colors, like me, leave a ribbon's width between each wrap, then come back and fill it with your other color.)
I also stapled mine, thinking it would work, but I just used a regular paper stapler and it fell out after a few minutes. A nice thought, though.
Step 3: Tie a sheer ribbon in a long loop around your wreath, and hang it up! Ours will soon be hanging on the front door here, and then traveling home to do the same. :)
Easy, right?
18 October 2010
Halloween 2010: Spooky Scenery
16 October 2010
Halloween 2010: Brainstorm
My friends, your time is running out! So, in light of that, I've gathered together some of my favorite costumes with the hopes that if I can't inspire you to choose one, you can at least get a running start on your own idea!
A couple of nerdy ideas to start you off with: how about going as Calvin and Hobbes?
(photo borrowed from wikipedia)
Not only is a pretty simple costume, but you can choose to either go solo or as a pair -- either you carry a stuffed tiger, or your have a friend dress up as one! Fun, right?
Or there is this fantastic option:
And it comes with a "Dress Like Flo" instructional website! Click on it to see exactly what she is wearing. Slick, eh?
One of the costumes that I have wanted to do forever is Marie Antoinette, with the costuming based on the movie starring Kirsten Dunst. The whole movie is beautiful, and the look from the masquerade is one of my favorites:
(This photo comes from Yahoo!)
And of course, you can be just about anyone if you throw a zombie in front of it.
My current favorite would be a Zombie Waldo! Whenever someone walked up to you, you could yell "You found me!" and give them some candy.
I just think I am soooo funny...
Any other ideas? We're getting down to crunch-time people! And I'm now working on two costumes! It's gonna be a wild ride.
(PS: Can someone be a brainstorm, literally, for Halloween? I just love the idea.)
15 October 2010
Teaching: Writing Your Bio
In the very near future, I'll be a guest blogger on one of my favorite blogs. During my correspondence with the blogger, everything was simple and straightforward (and so nice!).
However, one little tidbit stopped me in my tracks: "... and include a short bio..." -- WHAT?!
Though I can write about things I've experienced and created without any issue, actually writing something about myself to give other people a taste of what I'm like is downright scary! If you are like me, even telling a classroom or meeting full of people about your favorite flavor of ice cream can be a little scary. And not only was I scared, but I was unsure: How do I write a bio that is short, succinct and maybe a little funny?
I procrastinated, wrote a little and then did some googling. Now, you can do that, or just read on! Here's 3 easy tips for writing a blip about yourself.
Be Honest: If your blog is a series of funny videos or webcomics, say that. Don't say that you "dally in intellectual ambiguities" or "debate the coherence of organic and gourmet foods". People will find out what you're really about, so sugar coating your blog (or yourself!) won't really trick anyone into reading for the long haul.
Write in 3rd-Person: It makes talking about how awesome you are seem less obnoxious. Most bios are written in 3rd person anyway, so you'll be catering to readers' notions of what a bio should be like.
Just do it! This seems kind of obvious, but waiting didn't make it any better. I just needed to get it down. So don't fuss over it -- write it, proofread, proofread again and then be done!
If you want some more resources for writing a great bio, I thought that the info from Chris Brogan was great, as well as Urban Muse's post on the subject.
Oh, you wanted to see mine? Here it is:
Stephanie is a third year college student, splitting her time between her laptop and sewing machine (and of course school and work!). When she’s not planning another do-it-yourself project, she catches up on what's new in the blog-world and regales readers with her latest creations and revelations via Real Fine Place. If you like clever projects, innovation and authenticity, she would love to meet you.
12 October 2010
Guest Post: Geeked Out!
(image borrowed from geek in heels)
In preparing for the birth of her very adorable little girl, Jenny at Geek in Heels put out a call for guest bloggers and I was more than happy to oblige! I've got a series of three posts about geeky Halloween ideas (right up the RFP alley, eh?) coming down the chute.
So check out my first post on geeky Halloween costumes, and stay tuned for the next two!
11 October 2010
05 October 2010
Teaching: Bible Study
First, let's be honest.
Who thinks that everything in the bible is simple and easy to understand at first glance? You don't? Good, me neither.
Studying your bible doesn't have to be a laborious affair with multiple translations or years of theological knowledge under your belt. But sometimes, verses just don't make sense the first time around. In light of that, I thought I would share a few things that I do to try and understand what God has to say to me a little easier.
Let's start at the very beginning:
Translation: Though you will obviously need a bible to study it, the important thing here is to buy a translation that you can read and understand well enough. I loved my NIV for as long I can remember, but then I recieved a copy of the God's Word translation, and for just plain reading, it's phenomenal. If you aren't sure, ask for recommendations from friends, or just pick one and go with it!
Then, 3 steps:
Reading: Before you get down to the nuts and bolts of the verse or section you are reading, read the entire section from beginning to end once. Sometimes, when you start by breaking a section or verse down, you miss the bigger meaning, and it can leave you confused. Don't worry if you don't get anything big from this: it also serves to give some context, background, to your study.
Rewrite: When there is a sentence or phrase that I get stuck on, I rewrite it in my own handwriting. Just copy it down. This is especially helpful for things like Psalms or Proverbs where there is a lot of content written in verse. A lot of the time, just rewriting it makes the sentence structure suddenly clear to me, and what seemed backwards just clicks.
Define: As much as context and rereading can tell you, sometimes, you have to get down and dirty with the dictionary. Often, the way I define a word will change, because I had one meaning in my head and that differed with the word that I found in the bible (and then double-checked in the dictionary). If that still has you stuck on a word, ask, uh... your local bible scholar?
For the first time, I've prayed for God to lead me through a study, and honestly, I've been getting so much out of each and every verse its unbelievable. That's my last recommendation: pray about it.
So here's a challenge: take your own study methods, take mine or take someone elses and study something. Did you like it, do you understand the verse better? Tell me about it!
04 October 2010
Halloween 2010: Haunted House
These sparkly skulls are quite the representatives of that, eh?
30 September 2010
Halloween 2010: Historical Accuracy
I LOVE costumes.
Halloween ranks up there with my favorite days in the whole year, because when else do you get to dress up and look completely awesome? Can't think of a day? That's because Halloween is the only day. So before delving into my costume for this year (which you should remember is a secret) I wanted to fill you in on past costumes and how they came to be.
When I realized that I could throw a Halloween party as a freshman, I jumped on the chance and sent out invitations to my friends, with only one requirement: you must wear a costume! I had quite the plan up my sleeve for my own costume. Though I had been growing my hair out since the beginning of the year, I wanted to be a very authentic Edie Sedgwick (sans drug addictions and eating disorders).
I came home the night before the party, had dinner with my two best friends (long hair still intact) and then the next morning -- chop chop! I lost my locks all in the name of Sedgwick. Fun, right? (I should be honest and tell you I had been considering the hairstyle for a while, and it lined up well with Halloween.)
Last year, I day-dreamed about Amy Adams' sleek look in Night at the Museum II, and then decided to dive head-first into Amelia Earhart research. I picked out a great jacket, borrowed a hanky from a friend, wore very little makeup (big change from the year before!) and voila!
So now that you know what I was in past years, here's a few tips on how to have a great costume without emptying your (probably already meager) wallet:
Don't buy new/full price: My Edie dress was $9 dollars at Ross. It was a great deal for a dress that I figured I would wear once, but I've worn it several times since then, so it's an even better deal! For Amelia, I already owned the pants, shoes, shirt and borrowed the hanky. The jacket came from Marshall's!
Do your makeup/hair: Though you may think that your costume will look fine with your everyday 'do, makeup and hair are in many cases the "make or break" factor in a good costume. Edie, for example, would have been a flop if I had long hair. For Amelia, I could have done a little more, but I wasn't cutting my hair off again!
Be creative: This probably seems a little obvious, but it's important, and applies to all facets of a good Halloween costume. If you search for a clever costume, you are far less likely to see someone else dressed like you, and if you put a lot of effort into yours, even if you do see a twin, you'll probably look better! Don't think that because you don't want to spend a lot that you have to have a lame costume.
Brainstorming? I hope so.
Did you have an awesome (or maybe not so awesome..) costume? Comment or leave a link, I'd love to see it!