Luckily for me, the rest of the world seems to think they are pretty cool.
So today, a brief round up of octopus and the trinkets that are in their image!
First, fulfill your need to know more about the octopus and its elusive underwater lifestyle on Wikipedia: Octopus. (hey! I can cite that as long as this isn't a research paper, calm down.)
Then see if you can watch live octopus video at the Hatfield Marine Science Center's Octocam!
(I'm particularly excited for that one.)
In need of some octopus accoutrements?
Find yourself an Awesome Gold Octopus Necklace, or the slinky black Octopoda, or have the sweet Baby Octopus Necklace dangle from your neck.
Not so much for the jewelry? Oh, there's more my friends.
Clothes to reveal your love for the octopus? (And my friends who love bicycling, you're welcome!)
Maybe a bag or a nice purse?
Or I'm a fan of home decor...
And, voila! None of these people asked me to feature their items, I merely chose cute things as I browsed Etsy. :)
So I hope you enjoy, and perhaps have a desire to at least check out a real live octopus, if not wear a replica around your neck.
Before I go, french phrase of the day!
Today's phrase is ça va? Which means "How is it going?" Or "Doing alright?" Though directly translated it literally means "It goes?"
This one has a fun letter with a tail, called a c cedille, and is pronounced very simply: sah-vah?
Until next time!
I love octopus!