29 August 2010

Homebody: Clean Slate

Welcome! This post marks the first in a series that will document my journey through redecorating my bedroom. While my dorm room usually gets a lot of attention -- I do live in it nearly 2/3rds of the year -- it's high time for my room at home to get all jazzed up!

I've been hoping to redecorate my room for quite a while now in fact, picking up little pieces and favorite things along the way, but before any of those things can make their way into my room, everything else has to come out! So here's some photos of almost everything cleared out!

There, you are looking at panorama of my room. As you can see, some things aren't going to move -- my bed, dresser, desk and mirror/jewelry box on the right. But the art above and to the left of the window will be removed.
Here is what I've got to work with...

And here is my big blank wall above my bed -- doesn't it just scream "Hang something on me!"?
So I'm pretty excited about the potential, but still a little stuck on what should go where. In light of that -- hit me with your ideas! I would love to know what you think would look cool.
Fill me in with your comments below!

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